Andreas Erdmann

Andreas Erdmann

Andreas Erdmann was born in 1971 in Cologne and studied theatre directing at the Institute for Theatre and Film at the University of Hamburg. He then became assistant director at Zürich’s Schauspielhaus and worked as a freelance author. In 2002 he was appointed dramaturge at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, before taking up a similar post at the Schauspielhaus Zürich. From 2009 he was managing dramaturge at the Schauspiel Frankfurt, and between 2012 and 2015 he was chief dramaturge at Vienna’s Burgtheater. Currently he is dramaturge at Landestheaer Linz. Rowohlt Theater Verlag represents the rights of his monologue Place of a Skul, or The Conversion of the Holy Mary, his comedy Terrorists as well as the staged versions of Sybille Berg’s Have I already Told You... and Janne Teller’s Nothing. That’s Important In Life.


Andreas Erdmann



Andreas Erdmann

3F / 4M
