Mirjam Neidhart
Mirjam Neidhart, born 1965 in Basel, is a director and playwright who, in addition to staging theatre plays, creates video installations and films. Her documentary Carry on Regardless was presented at the Solohurner Filmtage in 2005. In the same year, Mirjam neidhart won a residency for writers at the Atelier of the Canton Zurich in Berlin. She held teaching positions in Berlin and Zurich and in 2006 she participated in the Master class MC6 for dramatists, sponsord by ITI SUisse, In 2008, the documentary Die Reproduktionskrise (Dir. Gereon Wetzel/Jörg Adolph) on the creation and world premiere of Neidhart's play Torschusspanik was first presented at the Filmfest Munich. In the same year Mirjam Neidhart participated in the Stück Labor Basel (Play Lab Basel), where she won the audience prize for her play Illegal - Berichte aus dem Untergrund (Illegal - Reports from the Underground), which was also produced as an audio play.
In 2009, Mirjam Neidhart founded the theatre group 1visible. She lives in Zurich with her family.