Oliver Reese

Oliver Reese

Oliver Reese, born 1964 in Paderborn, studied Theater and Literature in Munich, then did an internship with Giorgio Strehler at the Milan Piccolo Theater. He was assistant Director at Schauspielhaus Duesseldorf, at Kammerspiele Munich and at Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel Munich, where he became dramaturge in 1989. He was head of dramaturgy first at Theater Ulm (1991- 94) and then at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin (1994 - 2001); from 2001 to 2009 he was head of dramaturgy and also artistic co-director at Deutsches Theater Berlin. In 2009 Oliver Reese became artistic director of Schauspiel Frankfurt. Since autumn 2017 he has been artistic director of the famous Berliner Ensemble.


Oliver Reese


Adapted by Oliver Reese

2F / 3M
