Aufstand – Monolog eines wütenden Künstlers


(Aufstand – Monolog eines wütenden Künstlers)



As protests against the Turkish government grow louder, the teacher Bênay (meaning: “without a name”) keeps hoping for a fundamental change in society which would liberate him from his own divisiveness. Even though he is a government employee in the morning, and as such a part of the establishment, he spends his afternoons working as a free, subversive artist; but at the same time, being Kurdish, he felt disenfranchised all his life. Mingling with the demonstrators, Bênay realizes that – all those common goals notwithstanding – very different interests are clashing here: an experience all too familiar to him, and with a long history …

In Insurrection, Mely Kiyak demonstrates how complacency collides with the longing for freedom, and the discrepancies that arise from this.

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World premiere
27.06.2014 Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe in a coproduction with Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin (Director: Andras Dömötör)

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