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The New Mirror of Princes or Fanny and Isabella are Dead
(Der neue Prinzenspiegel oder Fanny und Isabella sind tot)
Welcome to Fanny and Isabella from Pearl Beach Coaching. The two of them advise global power elites on strategic performance skills, loosely based on Machiavelli, Hannah Arendt and Bugs Bunny. Tonight they are launching their new book: The New Mirror of Princes (also suitable for princesses!). In it they will be telling tales out of school. «We are the female experts on unusual solutions!» But then the two of them get worried. All their internet accounts are no longer accessible. They always end up in the limbo loop when they call the fault service. And finally, there is this assignment that Grandpa Meyerhold warned them about: the search for the Red Sparrow, which will lead them to the La Bomba karaoke bar in Geneva …
There are plenty of male duos in the history of film and theatre, from Laurel and Hardy to Samuel Beckett’s Vladimir and Estragon. Now the women are finally fighting back: «The ultimate show for Bond fans waiting for the next 007 to be female … Brigitte Helbling has written a two-person revue of the highest literary quality centred on two business women and their guide to achieving complete power by any means necessary … Helbling’s play, her recourse to Machiavelli and other intellectual giants is clever and rumbunctious. It heaves entire philosophy seminars onto the stage by their footnotes … and yet the evening is pure bliss.» (Tagblatt)
World premiere
21.05.2021 Theater Winkelwiese, Zürich, in einer Produktion von Mass & Fieber (Director: Niklaus Helbling)
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