Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn
Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
As portrayed by himself and his friends

(Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn)

Young Audiences

2F / 3M / musicians

Age recommendation


When a steamer rams the raft of Huckleberry Finn and his friend Jim, a runaway slave, they are far away from freedom. If they can somehow reach the state line at the mouth of the Ohio river, they will reach free territory and Jim will be safe. While they try to figure out how to carry on without a raft or money, they encounter a theatre group of old has-beens. The youngest member, Cordelia, comes up with a fantastic plan. «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» will bring in new crowds and cash to help both the group and the two kids on the run. After briefly considering the offer, the two fugitives agree on one condition: Jim doesn’t want to play himself. On stage, at least, he wants to feel free. Supported by the business-minded director and his borderline ingenious wife (and chief tragic actress), they jump into their new roles with verve and commitment («Rehearsals are overrated») to tell the dramatic story of Huck Finn’s feigned death, their escape from bounty hunters, Huck’s injury and their journey down the river. But their play turns into frightening reality when the director realises that there’s a price of 200 Dollars on Jim’s head. Only a revolution in the theatre can save them now...

World premiere
11.11.2018 Theater Bremen (Director: Klaus Schumacher)

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