Die schönsten Neurosen unserer Haustiere

Our Pets’ Best Neuroses
A Harvey Weinstein Entertainment

(Die schönsten Neurosen unserer Haustiere)


2F / 3M

Genia is anxious about her dog, Chrissy, that she rescued from a dog home. Her pet seems disconcertingly blasé about fitness or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She drags Chrissy to Dr Dott, a TV personality whose practise caters for the minor aches and strains of celebrity animals. One of his most important patients is the mongrel Timmy, currently starring in the hit TV show The Famous Five. Timmy is suffering from depression, schizophrenic episodes and is convinced that Catwoman is after him. But what if she really is? What if Catwoman wants revenge for sexual abuse inflicted by Timmy, even though Timmy also had traumatic on-set experiences? And maybe there’s nothing wrong with Chrissy either. Maybe he just enjoys sitting on the sofa eating crisps instead of running through the forest. While Genia and Dr Dott get fatefully closer to each other, the animals are busy next door talking about their well-founded «neuroses».

Our Pets’ Best Neuroses is a bitter, grotesque fable about the relationship between humans and animals as well as a commentary on relationships in the #MeToo era.

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World premiere
16.03.2019 Salzburger Landestheater (Director: John von Düffel)

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