© Katja von Düffel
The Trojan Women / Hecuba
(Die Troerinnen / Hekabe)
variable casting, ca. 4F / 4M
Troy has lost the war and the victors divide the spoils of the city amongst themselves, namely the surviving women. These include Hecuba, Troy’s former queen now pledged to Odysseus, and Cassandra, one of her daughters, given to Agamemnon after lots are drawn. But the suffering is by no means over.
John von Düffel extends his version of Euripides’ The Trojan Women by adding its less well known counterpart, Hecuba, whose nightmarish scenes see Hecuba take terrible revenge.
World premiere
02.12.2017 Schauspielhaus Zürich unter dem Übertitel Beute Frauen Krieg (Director: Karin Henkel)
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