Die Ware Mensch

Man as a commodity

(Die Ware Mensch)


1F / 2M

A transplant surgeon, a reproductive medicine specialist, and an unemployed man with the wrong body mass index: From these three perspectives, Tuğsal Moğul explores the worth of a human being, which is rather low if we look only at the materials used: 93 percent are made up from Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen; the remainder are elements like calcium, phosphorus, or magnesium. But man's dreams are huge: of luck, wealth, and physical health, of an eternal and perfect life. But dreams come at a cost, too. The body needs to be optimized, and in a pinch, commercialized; there are 1046 organ donors for currently 12,000 recipients, which might lead to a lucrative trade, and cloning designer babies has become all too easy for those who can afford them …

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World premiere
22.05.2013 Theater an der Glocksee, Hannover (Director: Tuğsal Moğul)

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