© Joseph Strauch
A Few People Search For Happiness And Laugh Themselves To Death
(Ein paar Leute suchen das Glück und lachen sich tot)
Adapted by Stephan Bruckmeier
4F / 3M
“The men and women on stage are dead before they have even started to live. They then parade their last death throes for the last time – small trash-tragedies full of loneliness, desire and violence. And, of course, their cause of death, each his own and their collective suicide which has transported them into Hades – murdered by a radiator, self-incineration, pills, car accidents. In actual fact, the ‘Shit Generation’ is wearing rose-tinted glasses more than being bent on fulfilling a death wish. The protagonists are hanging on to love as the last utopia…Short Cuts seen through the prism of 90s emotions, a pandemonium of hopelessness and void of relationships.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
Danish: Et par mennesker søger lykken og dør af grin
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