Furcht und Zittern
Furcht und Zittern

Fear and Trepidation - musical drama

(Furcht und Zittern)


3F / 4M / children

"Where there's singing, you can settle down. Bad people don't sing songs!" says a German proverb which former music teacher Manfred Horni loves to quote. All the while, he is suspected of sexually molesting his underage students years ago. Horni did some time in prison, lost his hearing and his job. Since his release he is required to keep his distance from children; he works as an estate agent and lives as a recluse with his wife, Anneliese. But now the junkyard across the street will make room for an orphanage. In the middle of the night two cops, Stephanie and Martin, turn up at Horni's door and order him to move. On the spur of the moment, Horni, naked and bare, decides to live on the street. Together with Anneliese, and guarded by Stephanie and Martin, he makes camp in public. When eventually a group of children passes by, it's not only their safety that's at stake.

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World premiere
12.09.2008 Ruhrtriennale / den Münchner Kammerspielen (Director: Sebastian Nübling)

French: Crainte et tremblement

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