Raststätte oder Sie machens alle

Services or They all do it

(Raststätte oder Sie machens alle)


4F / 9M

This sexual mix-up and partner swapping comedy along the lines of Cosi fan Tutte dives into the world of small ads, erotic centres, pornographic and home videos and swinger parties. Two housewives from Obersteiermark are in search of “damn good sex,” but instead of gaining satisfaction through sexual liberation, they find a lack of desire and comfort in the relation between the sexes.

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World premiere
5.11.1994 Burgtheater Wien (Director: Claus Peymann)

Danish: Motorvejscafeteria eller Alle gor det
Danish premiere 18.03.2004 Det Kongelige Teater, Kopenhagen (Translator: Claus Beck-Nielsen, Director: Anna Novovic)
English: Services or They all do it
English language premiere 31.01.1996 Gate Theatre, London (Translator: Nick Grindell, Director: Annie Siddons)
French: Aire de repos ou Ainsi font-elles toutes
Hungarian: Pihenö avagy Mind ezt csinálják
Hungarian premiere 21.04.2010 Trafó Theater, Budapest (Translator: Zoltán Halasi, Director: Róbert Pejó)
Polish (Translators: Dorota & Krzysztof Sajewcsy)
Slovak: Motorest alebo Robia to všetci
Slovak premiere 10.03.2006 Divadlo Jana Palarika, Trnave, Slowakei (Translator: Jana Cviková, Director: Viktor Kollár)
Swedish: Rastplats eller Alla gör sa
Swedish premiere 28.10.2005 Stadsteater Stockholm (Translator: Magnus Lindman, Director: Rickard Günther)

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