© Dennis Pauls

© Dennis Pauls
Young Audiences2F / 3M
When Robert’s estranged parents get into an argument on his birthday of all days, all he wants to do is go to bed. At least instead of leaving right away Robert’s dad stays to tell him his favorite story: the story of Robbie Reuber:
Robbie really messed up. He took his eyes of his little sister for just one second, and now she is gone. Because he can’t go home without her, he runs into the forest where he encounters all kinds of riffraff. He may be able to get away from the talking mushroom with the smoker’s cough, but he is no match for the seemingly friendly magician and his wholehearted promise to help him. Before he knows it, Robbie has signed a contract that will really get him into trouble – without realizing it, he signed over his body and his family life to the wizard. The only one who can help him is the very ill tempered robber, who isn’t as evil as he looks – and then there is the good fairy, which bears a curious resemblance to Robert’s real mother…