© Max Bohm
Europe: The World’s Biggest Beach
(Welthauptstrand Europa)
variable casting
Let’s ignore the victims and just focus on the perpetrators. Or even better: How about we just focus on that one woman? It’s so much more convenient to talk about her two cats, her beach holidays and her qualities as a female than about the pain and devastation she caused. On a beach on the Baltic coast, young Germans prattle their way towards forgetting, talking about at the criminal to avoid having to deal with her crimes. At the same time they insulate themselves from the outside world; nothing external can perturb a carefully constructed set of self-perceptions.
Using material that documents the infamous «NSU» murders, the identitarian movement and the New Right, Gerhild Steinbuch’s new text «dives deep into the parallel world of the neo-right and ... offers a subtle and clever analysis of how passions are alternately stoked and appeased ... and whose language seeps into daily life through more or less ‘social’ media.» (Theater der Zeit)
World premiere
Unter dem Titel Beate Uwe Uwe Selfie Klick: 2.11.2016 Theater Chemnitz im Rahmen des Theatertreffens Unentdeckte Nachbarn (Director: Laura Linnenbaum)
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