Das Tierreich

The Wildlife

(Das Tierreich)

Young Audiences

variable casting

Age recommendation


It is summer in a typical small town, and 21 young people – plus a not entirely unimportant chinchilla – embark on their vacation as if released into great freedom. This low-key vacation mood serves as a background to the rise of the panorama of approaching adulthood. Everything in life seems to find a place in these ever-changing configurations and short scenes: mundane little things and fundamental philosophical questions, big emotions and romantic dalliances, day-to-day politics and history. But when fate strikes – in this case, with a tank dropping on the school (!) and a serious car accident – the lightheartedness of summer is put to a test.

The play has been awarded the Brüder-Grimm-Preis in 2013.

World premiere
03.10.2014 Schauspiel Leipzig (Director: Gordon Kämmerer)

Catalan: El regne animal (Translator: Jordi Auseller)
Polish: Królestwo Zwierzat (Translator: Iwona Nowacka)

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