Children of Tomorrow

Children of Tomorrow

(Children of Tomorrow)


2F / 2M

How difficult can it be to bring up a child together in the 21st century? Both partners, of course, will be involved. Both will be working and pursuing their interests and passions both as individuals and as a couple. And be completely committed to their roles as parents and to their jobs. In Children of Tomorrow, two women and two men explore the myriad behavioural modes of the world of parenting. Here, beliefs initially accepted as self-evident morph over time into a minefield of mutually exclusive demands and expectations. Will she watch her career die slowly? Will he collapse under the strain of becoming the ideal father? Or will the child, relegated to a footnote in its parents’ overloaded lives, be largely left to fend for itself?

«This play cleverly and trenchantly analyses the societal structures holding together the stressful business of being a parent.» (Nachtkritik)

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World premiere
13.12.2017 Münchner Volkstheater (Director: Corinne Maier)

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