Der nackte Felsen

Bare Rock

(Der nackte Felsen)


2F / 4M

The world has an uncanny habit of looking very different from the top of a mountain. Gripped by a desire to see the seemingly unchanging circumstances of life from a distance and as a way of recognising their malleability, four seekers of happiness book a trip through the mountains. All four carry their fears, frustrations and other emotional baggage around with them, and are initially disappointed; Wolf, the tour guide, would rather not speak at all. The expedition leader, Marie, was formerly a mountaineer but was traumatized by a tragic climbing accident, and seems to have little inclination to look after her four little wards. But are Marie and Wolf keeping the true nature of their expedition a secret? The group dynamics and extreme situations encountered by the group have the desired effect on the party, who are all forced to reassess again and again how they want to live their lives.

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World premiere
12.06.2016 Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen (Director: Harald Demmer)

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