Riesen Probleme

Gigantic Problems

(Riesen Probleme)

Young Audiences

1F / 2M

Age recommendation


The situation is tense: a bit squashed Eddie (an elephant and also a trumpeter) and Georg (a basketball player and the tallest person in the world) live in a very, very small space. They are constantly getting in each other's way – it's annoying! There is plenty of space right next door, a huge area, completely empty, where they could expand into. But there is a problem: security snail Saskia controls this area, because it belongs to the owner, and only he can decide who is allowed to enter it – which certainly does not include a trumpeting elephant and a huge floppy-eared person. As confident as Saskia is with the two of them, she is also vulnerable at the same time, because she has no house – and what is a snail without a house? Georg and Eddie see their chance and hatch a plan with dire consequences...

In a playful way and with a sympathetic nonconformity, Fayer Koch asks the big questions of social interaction in Gigantic Problems: Why do some have more than others, even though they don't need it? Why aren't we all allowed to do everything? Does justice even exist? What is fair? Which boundaries need to be shifted and which rules might be needed after all?

«With music, a great sense of humor and outstanding linguistic finesse, Gigantic Problems enthralls its readers ... The play is a stroke of luck, an anarchic work of art.» (Jury statement for the ‹Kaas & Kappes› Prize 2024)

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World Premiere
29.09.2024 Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe | Junges Staatstheater (Director: Nele Tippelmann)

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