Laura Naumann

Laura Naumann

Laura Nauman was born in Leipzig in 1989 and grew up near Chemnitz. She volunteered for one year at the Theater Junge Generation Dresden; and has studied creative writing and cultural journalism at the University Hildesheim. In the years 2006 and 2008, she won awards at the "Treffen Junger Autoren" (young writer's meet) of the Berliner Festspiele. In 2008, she was awarded a scholarship from "Interplay Europe e.V." to promote young writers, and in 2009, she was a participant in the young dramatists' festival "World Interplay" (Australia). For her play meeresrauschenhören (hearingsoundofwaves), Laura Naumann was invited in 2008 to the dramatists' workshop at the Stückemarkt ("plays marketplace") of the Berliner Theatertreffen. During the 2009/2010 season, Laura Nauman was a fellow at the Autorenlabor (writers' lab) of the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus; in 2011 she took part in Vienna Burgtheater's "Werkstatttage". She was awarded a literary sponsorship by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Sachsen in 2014. Her play süßer vogel undsoweiter (sweet bird andsoforth) received the Munich Förderpreis (sponsorship award) for new German-language Drama and was presented in a workshop production at the Autorentage at Deutsches Theater Berlin. Laura Naumann is part of the theatre collective Henrike Iglesias.


Laura Naumann

Das hässliche Universum

variable casting, min. 5 actors


Laura Naumann

Nicht mein 🔥

1 actor


Laura Naumann

Raus aus dem Swimmingpool, rein in mein Haifischbecken

2F / 1M / plus 1 actor
