© Karin Rocholl
A Little Calm Before the Storm
(Ein bisschen Ruhe vor dem Sturm)
Thomas Bernhard's Histrionics meets Bernd Eichinger's The Downfall: Three actors are preparing for a panel discussion about the portrayability of Hitler. Since the host hasn't arrived yet, they chat on an empty stage about their profession and hit on a basic problem right away: Is the stage really empty? Isn't it already occupied with questions before anyone ever enters? Two of the men have already played Hitler, the third only Goebbels so far, but all this was for the big screen. Would the theater make different demands on them? Hitler was a real person after all, and theater is obliged to depict reality, isn't it? Culture war erupts and rages in an almost fundamentalist way between the old "con of naturalism" and today's "radical pack" who prefer to stuff their shows with video and trashy music. In the midst of their conversation, the three gentlemen become aware how deeply they've fallen into the theater trap. Because actually they were to have this conversation later, in the presence of an audience....
World premiere
06.10.2006 Nationaltheater Mannheim, Director: Burkhard C. Kosminski
Danish En smule stilhed før stormen(Translators: Gitte Niemann & Simon K. Boberg)
Danish premiere: 20.09.2008 Husets Teater, Kopenhagen (Director: Christoffer Berdal)
English A little calm before the storm (Translators: Tim and Erika Casey)
French Un peu de calme avant la tempête (Translator: Hélène Mauler)
Russian (Translator: Natalia Bakshi)
Spanish Un poco de calma antes de la tormenta (Translator: Patricia Sticker de Pangrazio)
Swedish Lite lign före stormen (Translator: Magnus Lindman)
Swedish language premiere 25.08.2017 Stockholm Stadttheater (Director: Dennis Sandin)
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